Now I like poetry. We start off with a bit of it before yoga on a Tuesday but I've been finding it hard to get into, so my thoughts were to go deeper and look first into Sylvia herself, I thought if I knew more about her then I will make the connection. I then went to see her grave in Heptenstall and when I got a chance on my own (peeps crawling all over the place to find her) I had a few words.
The huge amount of pens that people leave for Sylvia
I'm really enjoying her work now and really getting into the flow of my first piece and I've started with the poem "Mirror".
Next week though I'll be also getting my outfit ready for our Open studios Xmas eve and the theme is glam rock (just artist dress up, unless you want to?) so watch this space but after all there's really nothing shocking about a glimpse of Xmas Stocking
Open night Friday 7th December, 6.30 til 8.30 come along for free mulled wine and mince pies and bring along a little glitter if you fancy?